Clickbank nasty trick!

. Sunday, May 25, 2008
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Okay, I now will never ever again believe a screenshot from clickbank guru's. Apparently we all have been tricked into thinking these guys have made millions and now the truth comes out. I'm sure some of them are honest but I will never believe any of them again!

If you want to make money online, I say the best way is to look deep into everything you see and use your best judgement on everything you see and read. You can make money online but find the ways and investigate yourself.


Matt said...

OMG, that is such an eye-opener, and the worst thing of all is that if these gurus really are doing this then ClickBank should be stomping on them hard. That is outright lying and fraud. I hope the gurus who do this get the proverbial karmic kick up the ass.

BTW, if you want more comments on your blog you should open commenting up to everyone.

Mya said...

Yes Clickbank really needs to look into this..

Thank you for the heads up in the comments area, I had no idea I clicked it off... Wow it is good to have people looking out for you :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like the video is no longer available- can you re-upload it or explain what it was showing? I'd be interested to see what kind of scam they're pulling. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That's the funniest video I've seen in a long time, thanks for sharing. Have we really digressed back to the old 'snake-oil' peddlers? Just replace with 'guru' and poof, a whole now ripoff.

Mya said...

Hi BB it seems to be working on my end. I don't know why you can't see it.

- said...

I can't see the video either. But I think you're right. I wrote a VERY long piece about this myself today.

Dave from WelcomeBackRosenthal