I am starting my BLOG CHALLENGE

. Saturday, May 24, 2008
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Yes I am starting my blog challenge with my new found wealth of information.

Step 1 - Make a new blog
Step 2 - Find a subject I love
Step 3 - Do 3 to 5 posts on it a day
Step 4 - Add Adsense
Step 5 - Add Entrecard and Spottt

The main important thing for this challenge is the posts.
I know it s what makes the big blogs lot's of money and of course using the right keywords as wel. I will be making my posts 300-400 words long.

There are blogs out there right now that do 40 posts a day and have 900k readers.
And that one make over 100k a month in money, plus 4 people work on the blog all day. I will look for the name of it and post it.

There is another blog, well 2 more one is parez hilton blog, they make around 100k per month, but the thing is is they post approximately 5 times a day so it is the posts that create the blog...


Some of the big blogs who are in here making lot's of money are telling us it's the advertisements that makes them all the money...YA! but how did they get those people to advertise? They started posting and posting and posting and soon built their blogs strong and are where they are right now.
Now they get the big advertisers!

So after doing my 3-5 posts per day... That will be approx 90 to 120 posts in a month... We will see if I am right.

More to come....


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