Starting To Use FaceBook A Little Bit Differently

. Sunday, May 4, 2008
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Since I started this blog I have been running around like a chicken with her head cut off. I have recently started going a lot further with FaceBook and I intend to generate enough money through my FB for it to be worth having one.
I will share all my steps with everyone so you can see how I am doing month to month working with FB. I have quite a few things I am doing right now to generate an income for myself and I will work 2 hours a day on FB to get it started and running at a pace I feel comfortable with.


May 4, 2008

  • Zero money made
  • I have 1660 friends

Tomorrow I will be creating a group. I hope by doing this I will be able to have the group follow along with me as well in making money from FaceBook.

How did I make this many friends?
Well I play a game sometimes on FB it is called Lotto and in that game I ask people to add me as a friend and I add them too as my friend. So over the last 3 months I have made all these friends and now it's just snowballing.

So onward I go to make as many more friends and create a fabulous group.

So I have all the tools I need right at this moment and I will share those tools with you all as well throughout my challenge to generate money through FB.

My Goal

I would like to make 3000.00/month this is my goal and I know with great research I will succeed.

See you all soon for updates.


kystorms said...

please keep us informed about how this is going, can you tell me the link to your FB group? I am also a mom at home who needs to make money :-)

Mya said...

I will for sure, thats what I love is to show people in detail on everything I make and how I did it so they too can do the same :)