Update on my Zenzuu group in FaceBook

. Wednesday, May 14, 2008
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okay this might surprise a few people.

I have 2200+ friends today

I have my Zenzuu group (Zenzuu Rising) in FaceBook at 266 members.

12 people have joined under me and I have 3 people joined under them. so a downline of 15 now and going strong.

I want everyone to know that Zenzuu won't be running full speed until August so this is the best time to come aboard and start working on it. I have been helping my downline figure out ways to have people join under them so I have been working hard for my peeps.

Hope to see you in there and think of this as an invite because you need to be invited in order to become a rep and have a downline so join up under me and you won't be sorry.


roslimh said...

Yes, this is definitely going to explode this summer.