Important backlinks to your website

. Sunday, May 18, 2008
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Having backlinks to your site are links from other websites that point back to your site. You want to have relevant backlinks that deal with your niche. The more relevant backlink the higher the pagerank you get from google. This is how I am building myself with this website. I have been going to websites that deal with the same content as I do and leaving comments.

One way I am getting good results is I am using the time spent in Entrecard to my advantage. I am going to the big page ranked sites in Entrecard and advertising on them as well as reading some of their posts and leaving a comment. Since I am in Entrecard to get 300 cards a day I might as well be taking full advantage of it all.

Remember the more relevant backlinks to your site the higher you get on google for your niche.


Ray Gratzner said...

Well this is perfectly quite right, what you are writing. Thanks

infinitewebprofit said...

Great!! You're right.
Taking advantage of Entracard instead of just taking 300 drops everyday.