Why not make a podcast for your blog

. Thursday, August 21, 2008
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Benefits of making a podcast for your blog:

1. You can have your daily listeners listen to you while they are surfing around the internet. Keeping your window open while they go about listening to you.

2. I just thought about this - If you have a secret password that pops up in the podcast telling the reader they have a day to email you to collect their prize. This can be used for your comment areas in your blog. Pick a random comment poster and announce them in your podcast, if they answer they win... YAY, okay that was just off the top of my head.

3. I personally will be doing a few here and there and while people are doing their "speedy drops" with Entrecard from my site they can listen to me... I love this idea.

4. Once people start to listen to you, they begin to form a relationship with you, they really have that feeling there is now a real person at the end of this blog.

This is the same type of idea as video blogging but, if your like me and camera shy then this will help you out greatly.

Now for the set-up

Audacity is a free service so go on over and download it set it up and start recording your voice... very easy to edit as well.

TalkShoe This place you can host your podcasts and put them into a widget to add to your blog.
Odeo Same as above, right now they are upgrading their site so I don't know if everything id down right now, I only know my favorite widget from them is no longer around... I hope they get it back soon.

There are so many things you can do with podcasts I will touch more on this subject in the near future.

So get recording :)