Bum Marketing

. Sunday, August 17, 2008
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If your a bum marketer like me, I hope your taking advantage of Squidoo and Hub Pages. People don't take advantage of the power that is Squidoo. First of all they allow affiliate links and just imagine for a moment that a site actually allows this. You can't even put up affiliate links in Ezine, this is exciting stuff.

Putting up a Squidoo lens is so easy as well. You can literally put up about 10-20 lenses up in a weekend and do it all for free. Now Hub Pages are a little different but the same with each allowing affiliate links. On your hub pages you are only allowed about 3 links if you go over they will delete your hub so stick with about 2 links and you should be fine.

The best cool tip you need to know.
Always put your affiliate link on the very very top of your lens and hub. Remember you don't want people hanging around the pages and giving them an even greater amount of time to hit those awful google links thrown throughout these pages.
In and out, let them get to your link ASAP. Don't allow the google links on your pages to be their next hit or you lose a potential sale.

I hope this helps all you bums out there, most of you already know this, but it's always a good day for a refresher.