Make the Most of Your Opt-In

. Thursday, March 19, 2009
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One of the most important things for an internet marketer is their list. Bottom line. Without a list, or the capability to build a list, an internet marketer has little ground to stand on. On that same token, some of the most successful internet marketers in the world have spent their entire careers building their lists. Additionally, almost as important as building a list is communicating with members of your list and giving them incentives to stay on your list, open your emails, and buy your products.

Of course if it were as easy as just snapping your fingers there would be no need for articles like these, but we all know that building a list can be one of the hardest, most grueling aspects of internet marketing. It takes a strong will and determination, creativity, and a knowledge for how to generate traffic, communicate with prospective customers, and develop a good reputation in this industry. All these things may sound overwhelming, so let's look at some measurable tactics you can do in order to start building the list of your dreams.

First let's take a look at why lists are so important. Besides the obvious, lists are meant to be a base for your business. Think of a list as your customer base - or at least your pool to draw customers from. Many marketers dedicate the majority of their days not to product creation, or design, but to list building - and for good reason to. The size of your list can dictate how much money you are making on a day-to-day basis. For example, if you have several products and affiliate products that you are selling to your list, wouldn't it make more sense that you would make more money by selling to a bigger list? To sum up, the bigger you build your list, the bigger your potential income can be.

An important thing to remember is that building a list is not all about quantity. Sure you can have 10,000 people in your list, but what if only 100 of those people have actually consented to receiving your emails, or only 50 of those people read your blog everyday, or only 20 of those people have ever bought anything from you. List building gurus like John Reese have stressed the importance of building a good quality list. In fact, some of the biggest gurus in this industry will admit that their lists aren't that big - they are just really responsive.

So back to the point about how to get people fighting to get on your list. It all starts with the opt-in page, really, it does. The two most important things when it comes to your opt-in box are location and looks. Granted, if your product is drop-dead gorgeous than your opt in box can probably look plain and you can get away with it. But for the rest of us who are looking to build a business, the look and feel of your opt-in box can make all the difference.

To see what I mean, click on over to