A Squidoo Policy Update: Watch out or lose your lenses!!

. Monday, August 3, 2009
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This comes from a friend of mine from a forum I regularly go to:
Thank you xray :)

I'm posting this for those of you who use Squidoo for affiliate marketing or backlinking purposes.

As you guys know (or should know) Squiddy recently adopted a new policy change on 7/17/09 where among other changes, certain topics are now considered spam & longer permitted - weight loss, x rated topics, forex, win back your ex, music downloads, any 'miracle' cure topics, etc.

Here's the link to the policy update lens:


FYI, the update does NOT give a list of every topic they consider spammy, but from personal exp. over the last few days, I can tell you the new spam filter is VERY sensitive. Topics that no reasonable white hat would ever consider as spam
So if any of you have 4 or 5 star lenses on 'affiliate marketing' or on any 'affiliate marketing program(s)', I would quickly move them to another platform before the Squid locks them. A Squidoo staffer replied to a post re: the spam filter -- said they will be locking spam topic lenses soon [I moved two 5 star affiliate marketing program lenses to Blogger over the weekend & am adding the individual lens modules as scheduled blog posts every 3 days].

The other thing you want to watch out for is the Clickbank products your linking to from your lenses. They're not banning CB links, but I imagine that if you're linking to products in niches they consider spammy, you'll trigger the spam filter.